
GCPS Statement of Policy on Attendance

  • The responsibility of school attendance is that of both parents/families and students.School attendance is important as it underscores the significance of learning and obtaining an education in our ever-evolving society. Regular school attendance also correlates strongly with improved grades and it helps students develop good work habits that will carry over in life. To aid students in being academically successful, attendance is required for attainment of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) standards. The Superintendent has designated the minimum levels of attendance in procedure consistent with state standards.

Reporting an absence:
To report reasons for an absence, please do one of the following:

  • Fill out the NLAE Absence Excuse Request Form
  • Send a written note with your student when they return to school. The note should include the student's first and last name, reason, and date and doctor's note if applicable.

State Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.10 defines the following as excused absences:

  • Personal illness or attendance in school endangers a student’s health or the health of others. (i) Local boards of education may request students to present appropriate medical documentation to school for the purpose of validating that the absence is an excused absence
  • A serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family necessitating absence from school. (i) In the event of a serious illness in a student's immediate family, local boards of education may request students to present appropriate medical documentation regarding the family member upon return to school for the purpose of validating that the absence is an excused absence.
  • A court order or an order by a government agency, including pre-induction physical examinations for service in the armed forces, mandating absence from school.
  • Observing religious holidays, necessitating absence from school.
  • Conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety. (For Gwinnett County Public Schools, the closure of schools for hazardous conditions may only be made by the Superintendent for the purposes of excused absences.)
  • A period not to exceed one day is allowed at the discretion of the local unit of administration for registering to vote or voting in a public election.
  • Local boards of education shall count students present when they are serving as pages for the Georgia General Assembly.
  • Public school students visiting with a parent or legal guardian prior to or during leave from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard are allowed five excused absences per school year.
  • Students who are in a foster home or otherwise in the foster care system under the Division of Family and Children Services of the Department of Human Services will be counted present for any day, portion of a day, or days missed from school when attending court proceedings related to that student’s foster care.
  • A student who participates in the Student Teen Election Participant (STEP) program will be counted as present and given full credit for the school day during which he or she served in the STEP program.
  • A student who participates in an activity or program sponsored by 4-H.

Check-in / Check-out

Student Check-Ins
Students arriving after 8:15 AM must be escorted by a parent to the front lobby desk and signed in.

Student Check-Outs
Students will be called from class to be checked-out only after the parent arrives and presents appropriate identification. Picture identification of the person checking a student out from school is required regardless of if the school employee recognizes the parent and/or child. 

Students will be released from school only to parents/guardians or persons authorized to check out the student. 

Students may not be checked out after 2:00PM.  Parents must join the carpool line to pick-up in line after this time.